Knowledge Base

Ingrown Toe Nail Surgery

AuraPlastic Toe Nail Care

What is an ingrown toenail?

This occurs when a part of the nail grows into the skin along the fold. Most common in Great toes, but can occur in any.

A toenail curving into the big toe.

What causes an ingrown toenail?

Though exact reason cannot be attributed, tight fitting and pointed shoes with inadequate toe-box room and tight stockings can often precipitate the may also run-in families. It may also be related to nail deformities present from birth or previous trauma or previous infections.

What are the symptoms?

It may cause pain and reddish swelling along the tip of toe, and can also predispose to repeated infections of nail fold (paronychia), especially in Diabetics and immune compromised people.

Consult your foot surgeon immediately when fever, incessant pain and /or pus discharge occurs along with swollen red nail edge.

What are the Do’s and Don’ts’ if you have an ingrown toenail?

Do’S :

  • soak your foot in warm water 3 to 4 times a day for a few days – this softens the skin around your toe and reduces pain.
  • It’s very important to keep your foot dry for the rest of the day
  • Keep the toe nails at moderate length.
  • wear wide, comfortable shoes or sandals 
  • check your nails regularly


  • do not round off the edges of toenail. Cut your toenail edge straight across
  • do not pick at your toe or toenail
  • do not wear tight, pointy shoes

What is Nail Bracing ?

Nail braces (adhesive and hooked)  work by slowly lifting the sides of the toenail and eventually retraining the nail in  a flat shape. It takes about 18 months (one full nail growth cycle).They are cumbersome and may not be effective at keeping the nails flat.

What is the surgical treatment for ingrowing a toe nail ?

The surgical approach is the removal of the offending part of the nail plate known as a wedge resection and destruction of the growing plate of the sides of the nail with chemicals or excision known as a matrixectomy. This is typically an in-office procedure requiring local anesthesia.

How long does it take to heal?

Mild discomfort and pain may be present during dressing change and not continuously. you may be given appropriate painkillers for the first 3 days. You may walk immediately after the procedure but it’s advisable to rest and keep your feet elevated for the first 2 or 3 days. After the procedure, reviews and dressing changes may be required for about one week to ten days. Complete healing of wounds is achieved usually in 2 to 3 weeks.

What are the chances of the problem recurring ?

Surgical treatment for ingrown nails is more effective at preventing the nail from regrowing inwards compared to non-surgical treatments. Although the chances of recurrence at the same site is very less, usually the other side fold and other toes may have the issues occurring.


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