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AuraPlastic Fillers

What are Fillers ?

Dermal fillers, as the name suggest, are medically purified gel-like substances that are injected under the upper layer of skin into the dermis. They support the skin from underneath, compensate for the collagen loss that occur with aging, therby fill a wrinkle or plump the lips.

What are the types of Fillers ?

There are two main types of injectable Products:

  • Non-permanent, also referred to as absorbable: They are by far the most popular products. Examples of these include, collagen and hyaluronic gels and fat injections.
  • Permanent, also referred to as non-absorbable: Which have only recently begun to gain popularity.

What are fillers used for ?

Dermal Fillers are used to provide a smooth wrikle free appearance of face, retaining the freedom of expressing and emoting face. Fillers are normally used for the lower part of the face, below the crow’s feet down to the chin. They fill out lines around the lips, plump up the lips, soften the lines from the nose to the mouth (nasolabial lines) and smile lines on the cheeks. Fillers can also be used to create fullness and volume to the cheeks and chin. 

Are there any side effects with Filler Injections ?

Adverse reactions are extremely unlikely with absorbable products. Research reveals that hyaluronic gels show a very safe history. Collagen injections require a skin test before injection. Although rare, adverse reactions have been reported more frequently with permanent products. There might be some bruising or swelling at the injection site sometimes which usually settles down over next few days.

Will I require anaesthesia for the procedure ?

Before having treatment, local anaesthetic is injected to numb the area. When lips are plumped, a dental block, using a local anaesthetic, is used. Local anaesthetic lasts only an hour. Anaesthetic creams normally do not provide adequate numbness and are inconvenient because they must be continually applied many hours before the procedure to work properly. Depending on the individual there may be some mild swelling and discomfort when the local anaesthetic wears off, this is normal. Ice packs application is recommended after treatment.

How long does the result stay?

This depends on how active the facial lines are (smokers pout more) and how the patient breaks down or metabolises the gel product. Good products normally show good, long-lasting results. The results will appear very early after injection and may last for anywhere from 3 to 9 months. Depending on patient needs, product breakdown repeat injections may be required.

Who should avoid Fillers ?Common reasons include:

  • Unrealistic expectations: Patients may have unrealistic expectations or may request large lips that detract rather than enhance one’s beauty and facial proportions.
  • Cold sores: If you have a history of cold sores, fillers may cause them to break out. It is recommended that you take anti-herpes medicine a few days before treatment.
  • Pregnant: Fillers should not be used if you are known to be pregnant.


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